艾伦·F. 布鲁克斯55 Distinguished 校友 Award

Presented annually, the 艾伦·F. 布鲁克斯的55年杰出校友奖表彰的是一个人谁的榜样, 在思想, 言行, 学校的使命和谁实践威斯敏斯特的社区核心价值观, 字符, balance and involvement.

Michael " Spike " Lobdell ' 75, P ' 07,杰出校友奖获得者

Westminster’s most prestigious alumni honor, the 艾伦·F. 布鲁克斯55 Distinguished 校友 Award, will be presented to Michael “Spike” Lobdell ’75, P’07 in a special ceremony during Flock Reunion Weekend, 6月7号到9号, 2024. Established in 2013 and endowed by the Class of 1966, 该奖项每年颁发一次,以表彰具有典范意义的个人, 在思想, 言行, 学校的使命和谁实践威斯敏斯特的社区核心价值观, 字符, balance and involvement.
Upon learning of the award, 洛德尔说,他对被任命为获奖者深感荣幸, 他指出,在担任受托人期间,他与艾伦·布鲁克斯密切合作,并非常钦佩他. A former director of advancement, 布鲁克斯在学校担任各种职务超过50年.
Lobdell is currently board chair of the New England Science & Sailing Foundation (NESS) in Stonington, Conn., which he founded in 2002. 这家非营利组织教授生活技能,并为超过9人提供基于stem的课程,000名学生, 使用航行, marine science and other water sports as learning platforms. In 2021, 他被康涅狄格和罗德岛商会授予“年度公民”称号,以表彰他对教育弱势青年的贡献. In 2020, he was awarded the U.S. Sailing Martin A. Luray Award, the highest honor bestowed by U.S. 帆船运动,这项运动的管理机构,为社区帆船项目. 他创立NESS的愿景是为各种背景的年轻人提供出海的机会, to learn and have fun, regardless of their financial needs or ability. The organization's guiding principles of inclusiveness, experiential learning, 个人成长和管理与威斯敏斯特的核心价值观密切相关, which greatly influenced Lobdell in his own life and career.

在创办NESS之前,洛德尔曾担任XL Capital非保险业务的首席执行官,并在J.P. 他在摩根大通担任了28年的各种高级管理职务. 他的学历是B。.S./B.A. 在巴克内尔大学获得心理学和工商管理学位,在纽约大学获得金融MBA学位.

As a student at Westminster, Lobdell was fully immersed in the school, playing football, 足球, hockey and lacrosse. He was a member of various clubs and organizations, among them the John Hay Society, 唱诗班, Student Activities (president) and The Martlet (editor). 1975届的学生投票选他为为威斯敏斯特做出最大贡献的学生. At graduation he was presented with the Keyes Bowl. 由1966届毕业生创立,被认为是学校最负盛名的毕业典礼奖项, 凯斯碗每年颁发给六年级的学生,以表彰忠诚的品质, 勇气, leadership and humility. 毫不奇怪,他对学校的奉献和热情在他毕业后很长一段时间仍在继续.
Lobdell从2000年到2010年担任受托人,2004年成为副主席. 他自2023年以来一直是研究员,自2005年以来一直是Thring Society的成员. He continues to be actively involved in the school, attending school alumni reunions, holiday receptions, sporting events, William Hill Society dinners, 受托人会议,并在家中主持威斯敏斯特的活动. He currently resides in Mystic, Conn., 当他不在尼斯大学做志愿者的时候,他花了很多空闲时间来追求他对帆船运动的热爱. 他有一个儿子布莱恩·洛德尔,一个女儿莎拉·洛德尔·金斯伯格,还有一个孙女莉莉.


995 Hopmeadow Street
Simsbury, Connecticut 06070

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In keeping with our support for a diverse community, 威斯敏斯特遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律,不歧视任何受保护的特征, including race, color, religious creed, 性, 性ual orientation, gender identity or expression, national and ethnic origin, 血统和/或教育政策管理方面的残疾, admissions policies, scholarship and loan 项目, and athletic and other school-administered 项目. Westminster admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, 特权, 项目, 以及学院一般给予或提供给学生的活动. 
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