

艺术 Beyond the Classroom

Highlighting our commitment to helping students explore their creativity, Westminster offers several exciting after-classes 项目 in the arts. Whether a student is the lead in the fall drama or the winter musical, 热情的摄影师,尽职尽责地出席每一场主场比赛,记录比赛过程, 在舞蹈教练的监督和专业指导下发展自己技能的舞者, or an accomplished singer who dedicates time to private instruction, 威斯敏斯特为学生提供了探索多种艺术途径的机会.


  • Dramat

    In the fall and winter terms, 学生们可以通过三种不同的方式在剧院完成下午的承诺:在秋季戏剧或冬季音乐剧中担任主角, as a member of the Technical 剧院 program, or as a performer with a smaller role who also helps with Tech work. Under the direction of the Tech Director, students learn the fundamentals of safe building and rigging of set pieces and lights; they build and paint the set and props; they patch sound and monitor audio for live singing and music. Thanks to their dedication and skills, 威斯敏斯特学生在很大程度上负责确保以威斯敏斯特学生为重点的活动, 教师和校友, as well as visiting performers, run smoothly in Werner Centennial Center. 
    Westminster honors those students who devote themselves to producing, 在威斯敏斯特的杰出戏剧中表演或搭建布景,获得令人垂涎的荣誉. 学生在完成100小时的戏剧表演后,成为戏剧的一员. After 400 hours, they become Williams Hill Players. Under the direction of Director of 剧院, 一个男人拉希德, the numbers of students involved in plays and Tech have more than doubled. 最近学生参与戏剧的人数增加,突显了威斯敏斯特大学学生对戏剧的热情和激情.
  • 跳舞

    许多舞蹈团成员也参加下午舞蹈节目,以满足运动/下午的要求. The afternoon program provides primarily technique and 调节 classes, these students may also perform, sometimes in an informal showing. A genuine desire to learn a variety of dance styles, 调节, form and technique is necessary to participate.
  • 音乐

    对于那些希望得到更多指导以提高技术和熟练程度的学生, 私人声音和器乐课程与有成就的教师是可用的. 学生和他们的老师可以使用声学增强的练习室和校园内至少10架钢琴用于练习和娱乐. 进一步, in addition to informal performances, 例如咖啡屋, 这些学生可能会发现自己与专业音乐家一起参加管弦乐队,在全面上演的冬季音乐剧中陪伴威斯敏斯特的天才歌手.
  • 摄影 & 多媒体

    对摄影特别有热情的学生可以申请成为威斯敏斯特体育摄影师的机会. Under the guidance of a faculty advisor, 学生负责拍摄家庭游戏,通过课后承诺,为学校服务. 学生们的努力以每学期颁奖典礼的幻灯片和威斯敏斯特学生报纸和年鉴的照片为高潮. 另外, 特别积极的学生可能会与营销总监合作,将他们的一些照片打印出来或放到网上.
  • The Martlet (Art and Literary Magazine)

    An extraordinary magazine filled with student and faculty artwork, 散文, 和诗歌, The Martlet requires creative students to manage the submissions, 整理课文, and get the magazine to the printer on time. Though working on The Martlet does not fulfill an afternoon requirement, students who are involved relish the opportunity to engage with written, 画, 画, 摄影艺术.
  • The Westminster 新闻 (Student 新闻paper)

    威斯敏斯特新闻是一个学生合作组织,致力于准确、全面地报道当地社区和周边世界的新闻. 作家们试图辨明全球事件与威廉斯山周围日常生活的相关性. Typically, the Westminster 新闻 publishes four issues each school year. 每个威斯敏斯特的学生都被鼓励在他或她的高中生涯中写一篇文章.
  • The Spectator (Yearbook)

    威斯敏斯特的年鉴《皇冠有钱手机app》捕捉到了六年级学生的精神、活力和友爱. 充满了图片, 最高级, memorable anecdotes and, 当然, 高级页, The Spectator functions as memories made tangible for the Sixth Form, as well as the rest of the students. 而任何感兴趣的六年级学生可以帮助组织和编辑观众, 在冬季学期,只有总编可以使用他或她的角色来完成下午的承诺.


Simsbury, Connecticut 06070

P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
In keeping with our support for a diverse community, 威斯敏斯特遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律,不歧视任何受保护的特征, 包括种族, color, 宗教信仰, 性, 性取向, gender identity or expression, national and ethnic origin, ancestry and/or disability in administration of its educational policies, 皇冠2021app下载地址政策, scholarship and loan 项目, and athletic and other school-administered 项目. Westminster admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, 特权, 项目, 以及学院一般给予或提供给学生的活动. 
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