
Academic Support


The human brain is capable of so many amazing things and with the right tools and strategies, 任何人都可以学习如何提高他们的学术技能, 理解和记住更多的信息, 增加他们的知识基础. Westminster’s Academic Support Program is designed to help students improve their memory, 提高他们的阅读理解能力, 成为自己的拥护者,获得自信. It teaches students cutting-edge learning techniques that will help them in high school, 在大学及以后.  
作为威斯敏斯特的学习专家, 凯利·柯蒂斯和玛雅·利特通过个性化和小组教学来教授有效的学习技巧. 一些经验教训和策略包括:

  • Organization
  • Time Management 
  • The Human Brain
  • 设定和实现目标 
  • 态度的重要性
  • Mindset
  • Self-Motivation
  • Flexibility 
  • Building Grit 
  • Task Initiation
  • 成功的做笔记
  • 应试策略
  • 批判性思维能力
  • 注意力和工作记忆
  • 大脑健康与锻炼
  • 减轻焦虑和压力
凯利是学习支持服务部的主任, oversees the accommodations for Westminster and also teaches Global History and Society. She earned a B.S. in education at Plymouth State University with a concentration in special education and reading. Kelly is also trained in the Orton Gillingham Reading Approach. Orton-Gillingham is a structured literacy program that helps students who struggle with reading, 听觉处理和/或其他学习差异. 凯利目前在圣约瑟夫大学攻读特殊教育硕士学位,主修社会科学, emotional, 行为健康. 

玛雅是一位学习专家,她在田纳西大学学习心理学和西班牙裔研究. She also teaches Algebra I and specializes in teaching students effective STEM learning skills. 她是校友之家的宿舍主任,也是三校女子曲棍球队和长曲棍球队的主教练. 玛雅目前就读于普渡大学特殊教育硕士课程,主修轻度干预.
学生们不需要一个教育计划来和老师一起工作. Curtis or Ms. Leete. 每个学生都能从学习教育技能中受益.



  • What is the purpose of the Academic Support Program at Westminster?

    ASP旨在教授组织工作的策略, managing time, 使用有效的学习策略来提高学习技能. Learning Specialists meet with students individually or in small groups. ASP是过渡性的,而不是补救性的. While our Learning Specialists are a valuable resource for students, we expect students to develop skills over time and work independently.
  • 谁有资格获得学术支持计划?

    All of our students have access to the ASP office with appointments.
  • How many times a week may a student visit the ASP, and how long are the sessions?

    On average, our Learning Specialists meet with students once a week for approximately 20 minutes.
  • ASP会议对学生来说是强制性的吗?

    Sometimes. 在一年的过程中, a student’s team may determine that ASP meetings are necessary for a period of time. These students are then required to attend all scheduled meetings. If they miss a meeting with their Learning Specialist, it is deemed a class absence.
  • 如何将学生与学习专家匹配起来?

    The student’s academic needs are considered when matching them with a specialist. 我们也考虑专家和学生的时间表.
  • 谁是学术支持小组的成员?

    Bill Sistare,研究主任(目前休假)
    Kelly Curtis, Learning Specialist and 住宿协调员 

  • 什么是残疾,需要住宿?

    根据美国残疾人法案, a disability is an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. 残疾人享有一定的保护,并有权获得合理的便利,以使他们能够平等地获得各种项目和服务. 要访问这些权利, 个人必须提供文件或其他信息,证明残疾严重限制了主要的生活活动,并支持合理住宿的需要.
  • 需要什么文件来证明残疾和需要在威斯敏斯特住宿?

    Documentation may vary depending on the nature of the disability. Typically, 这包括一份完整且最新的相关测试副本, evaluation, 或者是残疾诊断. 它也可能包括先前的IEP或Section 504计划的副本. In most cases, a doctor’s note with a diagnosis can start the accommodations process, but is insufficient in itself to adequately determine a student’s needs, 此外,还需要进一步的文件,如正式的教育评估或评估. 所有资料必须是最新的,正式评价应在过去三年内进行.
  • Does Westminster evaluate students for or diagnose students with disabilities?

    We do not. We can provide a list of outside evaluators in the Simsbury area who do academic testing. 我们还有一位当地的独立神经心理学家,他来学校做测试,并为威斯敏斯特的学生提供折扣.
  • What are the accommodations that have generally been made at  Westminster?

    Decisions regarding accommodations are made on an individual basis. 以下是被确定为符合条件的学生合理的住宿列表:

    • Extended time - 50% 
    • Preferential Seating 
    • 使用电脑进行课堂写作和评估
    • Use of a calculator 
    • Use of audiobooks, digital text, and/or text-to-speech software to access information 
    • 当不能使用拼写检查时,不会对拼写错误进行处罚, except when the correct spelling is an essential element of the exercise, 比如外语学习 
    • 世界语言豁免书(经教务处批准)
  • 什么情况下住宿会被视为不合理?

    合理的调整是指不会从根本上改变我们项目的性质和期望,也不会造成不必要的负担. 鉴于我们学术课程的性质, 我们不会修改我们的课程或放弃要求, with the exception of foreign language requirements when appropriate.
  • How is information about my child’s learning difference shared with members of their team?

    我们的住宿协调员将阅读您的学生的教育记录,并创建威斯敏斯特学术计划,详细说明他们的住宿. 此计划将通过电子邮件或在私人服务器上与您的学生顾问和老师共享. The confidential educational report will remain in the Academic Support Office. 如果老师对您的孩子的学习方式有任何具体的问题,他们总是有机会与我们的学习专家见面. 

    威斯敏斯特学术计划也可以用于sat和act的申请过程中,以帮助寻求考试住宿的学生. We will also provide that documentation to your student’s future college if requested.
  • Who is responsible for providing the accommodations in the classroom?

    Our classroom teachers will provide approved accommodations for your student, but it is very important for your student to advocate for themselves. 他们应该在年初联系班主任,讨论如何最好地利用他们在教室里的住宿.

    如果学生想延长住宿时间进行课堂评估,应提前24小时通知老师. When necessary, 威斯敏斯特的学术支持团队将协助教师和学生提供住宿. 由于残疾的影响和学生在威斯敏斯特期间的需求可能发生变化,住宿可能会定期进行审查.
  • 任课老师会提供额外的帮助吗?

    Yes, 我们的任课老师会在课余时间以个人或小组形式提供额外的课外帮助. Students need to advocate for themselves for support early to avoid falling behind. 

    Each teacher schedules their time differently; some offer “breakfast club” in the dining hall before school, 安排好他们晚上值班的时间, 或者在共同的自由街区与学生见面.
  • 如果需要额外的帮助怎么办?

    We have a robust peer tutoring program (Martlets Educating Martlets) here on campus. 学生应该联系学术支持办公室,与我们的一位出色的同伴导师配对. 

    We also have a list of experienced professional outside tutors that we can provide to families. These tutors work independently from Westminster; they have an hourly fee and handle their own schedules. Most of our professional tutors meet with students here on campus during a mutual free block, 还有一些是完全在线的.


List of 4 members.

  • 凯利·柯蒂斯摄

    Kelly Curtis 

    学习支援主任, 住宿协调员, Program Coordinator and Learning Specialist for 威斯敏斯特的地平线
    (860) 408-3059
  • Photo of Maya Leete

    Maya Leete 

    Learning Specialist
    (860) 408-3004
  • 贝琪·赫克曼摄

    Betsy Heckman 

    Academic Dean
    (860) 408-3746
  • Willard Sistare的照片

    Willard Sistare 

    Director of Studies
    (860) 408-3003

Contact Us

995 Hopmeadow Street

P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
为了保持我们对多元化社区的支持, 威斯敏斯特遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律,不歧视任何受保护的特征, including race, color, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, 性别认同或表达, 国家和民族出身, ancestry and/or disability in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, 奖学金和贷款项目, 以及体育和其他学校管理的项目. 威斯敏斯特大学招收任何种族的学生, color, 民族和民族出身的一切权利, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School. 
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